Sunday, 10 April 2016

The Hidden's Narrative

The Hidden's Plot

The idea for my thriller's narrative is that the opening sequence will introduce the audience to the killer, who is the main character of the film, as we follow his journey as the antagonist, and watch on as we see his reasoning, decisions and murders he commits throughout the film, as we slowly understand as to why he commits the crimes he does. 
The narrative will follow the killer as he tries to come to grips with himself, as he acts as a vigilante of sorts and is determined to target and make those who commit awful crimes, suffer. The film will be a moral fork in the road, as some of the audience will be against the killer and his moral standpoints and ideologies, where as others will understand and support the killers decisions as they believe he is acting as a cleaner of sin, in which is what the killer believes he is. 
The opening sequence is deliberately shot in a way to not show much of the killer, apart from making him seem like a evil killer, who's face you do not see, and you would assume is killing and toying with his victims out of spite and to show his power above them. However, it's the opposite in ways, it's just been shot in the way to make him LOOK like he is what he actually is, which is a murderer, when in reality, it's deeper than him being just a killer, but a killer with a conscience and with valid reason behind his actions.

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