Location Reece Shots
This is a shot of the location inside the house where the majority of the sequence is shot. This is the kitchen, where there will be perfectly arranged mugs and cutlery which the killer would of purposefully done to get the attention of Fred.
This image is of the front door of the house in which Fred will enter. An extreme close up of Fred putting the house keys into the lock may be used here as a potential shot for this.
This is a location shot of the hallway as well as the stairs in which Fred will go up as he hears a loud noise from upstairs.
A tracking mid shot may be used for when Fred goes into the hallway and up the stairs.
The next location shot is in the bedroom where Fred and the Killer meet for the first time (possibly the last) and also where the wooden chair with duct tape is found. The chair and tape will be added into the location during filming as it needs to be brought form somewhere else. This scene is also a pivotal scene in the sequence as the killer is seen properly for the first time.
This location shot is directly outside the house where Fred will pull up in the car and enter the house. This location is used for one of the opening shots and for the last shot where the killer leaves the house, and a mid shot is used to view the front garden and traffic as the killer walks away and the screen fades to black.
The next location shot is of the upstairs hallway where Fred walks into the bathroom to investigate the water coming out of the bath tap at full speed. A tracking close up shot will be used behind Fred as he walks across the hallway as he goes to investigate.
This location shot is of the bathroom where Fred enters the bathroom to turn off the running tap the killer turned on. The bathroom is only used in shot when the door is visible in shot so that the killer can be seen behind Fred as he opens the bedroom door behind Fred. A established shot will be used and focused on the killer to create a tension as the killer watches on.
The final location shot is of the downstairs hallway for when Fred enters the house.
A high-angle shot focused in between the stairs banister on Fred as he walks into the house, and will tilt watching Fred on. This shot will be used to give the idea that maybe someone is watching Fred form above.
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