Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Possible Editing Techniques

When it comes to editing, I would like to have my opening sequence edited at a fairly steady pace, with no major quick cut sections where the speed of the shots increases in between each other. I will edit the shots with multiple transitions to show the passing of time from within the house, to show that Fred is waiting or has been busy during the time in between shots. 

My titles at the start of the sequence will be edited at a reasonable pace, with there being enough time for the viewer to be able to creaky see the film company associated with the film and being able to recognise and relate the name and logo together. Also with the actor and people involved with the film's titles. The font, it's colour and size will all be clearly visible and appropriate in visual for the viewer to see, not making it seem out of place in the film's opening. Also, the film title will be a stand alone shot, where there will be no clip being played in the background, just black, the title and the sound of the music being vaguely played in the background. 

Extra sound bits will be added in editing, where sounds of what is being made in the film will be added in again in editing to add a sound boost, and not be blended in with the rest of the sound in the shot. This makes it more audible for sounds such as creaking of floors, bangs etc. being clear and profound the the viewers ear, instead of it being mixed in with the rest of the audio that is involved in the clip that these sounds were recorded with. 

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