Wednesday, 6 April 2016

AS Thriller Evaluation (1)

Well, the opening minute of the opening sequence is actually a Kesha song, a pop song. Considering the video is named a 'Thriller' and not a 'Music Video' I have no idea why the opening minute of the sequence opens with a Kesha song, as it in now way creates any suspense or ambiguity in any way. The opening 15 seconds of the song even go in time with the music and the match up with what the lyrics are describing; waking up, brushing teeth, getting ready etc. Therefore creating absolute no relevant visuals or audio that correlate to a thrilling opening sequence, but more of the of an awful music video for A2 Media. So even if the opening 20 seconds of the sequence even had any camera shot that had the potential to create and tension or curiosity, it would be made void by the fact Kesha is playing. Kesha.  The GIF above to the right is actually from the video, and it PERFECTLY matches in time with the music, creating absolutely no tension at all, more of a music video vibe than that of a thrilling film opening. 

Following the opening 20 seconds of this girl just getting out of bed listening to Kesha, Kesha continues to play for another 30 seconds as we are taken outside, looking at the front door being opened by the girl as she walks off the side of the camera. A simple shot, but the camera shaking at the end of the shot is a let down for it as it just shows that it's not being handled correctly with not much effort being made in the shot. The sequence continues with Kesha still playing for some unknown reason, with the girl walking to a local corner shop, watching her walk into the store. It then cuts quickly to her opening a fridge door, where it somehow is managed to be ruined in legitimacy and being taken serious. In the reflection, the person on the camera can be seen in the reflection of the door, which completely kills any viewing it has, as now it looks sloppy with not much care being made in terms of its shots. 

There is a positive however, as at 47 seconds, the girl walks up to the camera and then it cuts from her walking into the camera, going to black for a split second, to it then cutting to her walking away from the camera down a alley, as if shes walked straight through the camera. this also creates the impression time has passed with the now new location and the way in which the shot was executed. 
Back to the negatives again, as Kesha out of nowhere cuts out (not like the music stopping is a bad thing) with no indication it needed to stop, and then the shots goes into slow motion watching this girl trip and her bags drop. Then it cuts to black and white, to the girl picking up the stuff, where she was seen perfectly upright and still recovering her balance a bit in the previous shot. 
The girl says 'thanks' to the masked character who helped her, and I was only just about to hear her say that as the music is cut out, then comes back in absolutely booming my headphones as she speaks, making it so difficult to hear what she said.   

Fast forward a bit, and she gets home, gets a phone call of this character, and then out of nowhere music is playing, AGAIN, that is so cheerful and completely contradicts and goes against what the thriller seems to be going for, it seriously makes no logical sense at all. The music lasts 20 seconds before it's just randomly cut off again, and then that masked character knocks on her door, in an actually fairly decent established shot which zooms into a mid shot of the black figure at the door. It shows a menacing figure, and matched with the sound of a sudden loud noise, it creates an int of surprise and tension. 

In the final shots, 'tense' music is played as she tries to ring the phone, but it's dead, and the masked character meets here in the hallway, with a knife, and they both look at each other still, for some reason, for 5 seconds. It then ends on an awful scream. 

In general, the video was awful, the shots where never still, mistakes and continuity errors all across the video and irrelevant pop songs were playing at the start and end of the sequence. they had a couple decent shots and ideas, but in general, it was awful.

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