Thursday, 27 November 2014

How is Se7en a thriller?

What makes Se7en a thriller?

A thriller is identidied in many different variants as there are many didferent genres of thriller which seperates the genres from each other. Jaws for example, is an action/horror thriller as it uses tension in it's scenes in prder to build up the suspense and then hit a climax of when the shark (Jaws) is revealed. This makes Jaws an action/horror thriller as the use of such techniques like suspense, and not knowing what Jaws looks like, brings in curiosity and a slight hint of caution as the audience don't want to see Jaws as they've seen what it's done.

As Se7en is a crime/psychological thriller, techinques such as suspense, action, lighting is used to create dark tones within the film following the dark manner of the film. Suspense is used to give a dramatic tension once the scene is building up to who the killer is, and when the audience see who the killer is. The fight/chase scenes give the film an action vibe as the use of fast paced music and and fighting shows the action withing the film.
Se7en also follows the plot of two detectives who are trying to slove a crime. This also means that Se7en is also a crime thriller. The film follows certain instructions that make it a crime thriller: 
  •  A compelling and interseting story, that keep the viewers inrigued with the plot and keeps the viewers attention.
  • A lot of action. The films needs to have intense and fast paced action. This is used to give the name of thriller for the films genre as its a tense and interesting film.
  •  The film has a plot twist at the very end to shock and surprise the audience
  • The lighting and tone of the film has to be dark and  have low key lighting. This is to darken the film and make in more of a tense 'thriller' and keep the audience intrigued.

Websites used for concepts of a thriller and what makes a thriller: ccessful-crime-thriller-film

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